Quantum optics
General information about the examination
There are six assignments. All of these are marked on a scale from 0 to 1. The maximum score on the assignments is thus 6. The weight of the assignment in the course is 30%. This means that your total score on the assignments will be divided by 6 and multiplied by 0.3.
The exam will consist of five problems. These will also be marked from 0 to 1. The maximum score on the exam is 5. The weight of the exam in the course is 70%. This means that your total score on the exam will be divided by 5 and multiplied by 0.7.
Total grade:
Your combined score, S, will be valued as follows, with degrees given as official Swedish ones, ”teknisk fysik”, and ECTS:
The exam, 3/6 @ 09.00 - 15.00
The exam is six hours, from 9.00-15.00. It consists of five problems. Some important relations may be given in the problem text. You are allowed to bring a calculator (even though I doubt that you will need it), Physics handbook, Beta - Mathematical handbook.
The style of the problems will be similar to the ones in the previous exams. Some of the problems may include elements treated in some of the assignments.
Old exams
Below are three previous exams, which can be downloaded. These have the same structure as the actual exam. To start with, the exams are posted. As soon as possible (if possible), solutions to the exams will also be posted.