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A reason to live

Once again the sun managed to struggle up over the horizon. However, it had taken the sun a longer time to complete its rising than yesterday, and yesterday it took a little time longer than the day before. The reason for the gradually delayed appearance of the sun had nothing to do with that the sun had become old and drowsy since this was an alert sun in its early 5 billionsgif. The reason was instead that the spin axis of the earth was tilted, and that autumn was approaching, or something like that. Even though most of the sun-rays disappeared out into empty space, a small fraction of them found their way in through a window of a monastery i Tibet. A small fraction of those sun-rays landed on the eyelid of the bald moron that slept in the bed behind the window. Due to the disturbing light the moron woke up and climbed up from the bed. He walked to the window that had let in the disturbing photons, and looked out. Outside he expected to see a lovely and romantic sun dawn, but instead his attention was drawn to an ugly dragon that was lying on his back just outside the window, screaming from pain. Beside the dragon stood a witch and a robot. The bald moron, as you all probably correctly identified as Jesper, walked outside to see what had happened to the green beast.

When Jesper was outside he could hear that Darren between his scream of pain actually said some words. Darren said, if we exclude the horrible yelling sounds, something like:
"It all begun yesterday after I ate that darn mushroom omelet that I found under the the pear tree. Since that moment my stomach has been as tender as a blind carpenter's thumb."
"Oh, you had mushroom omelet yesterday.... So, both Roberta and you had mushroom omelet, but I hadn't. Why? Can anyone tell me why I didn't get some too? It is my favorite meal, you know, so I think it only would be fair if I had some too.", Jesper complained.
In the meantime Roberta had started to nervously whistle a well known Bleepic lullaby, hoping that no one should realize who had put the food under the tree. The lullaby was interrupted by Olivia, who said:
"Did you say that you found the omelet under a pear tree?"
Since Darren nodded, Olivia continued:
"Who on earth could have put a bad omelet there??"
After Olivia had spoken, the message:
"Don't panic! As long as Jesper don't ask me, I do not have to admit that it was I.", was sent through Roberta's advanced circuits.
But, of course, the next word heard was Jesper saying:
"Roberta, do you have any idea who put the food there?"
After desperately checking if there was any bug in the program code that allowed her not to answer her owner, or lie to him, she finally was forced to admit:
"Yes, I have. By the way, it is a chilly morning, I wonder if we will have some snow today?"
"I don't think so.", Jesper said.
After a minute of silence Olivia started to be very impatient, and just had to remind Jesper:
"Jesper, she said that she knew who did it!"
"Oh! Who did it, Roberta?"
With a shameful voice she responded:
"I'm afraid that it was somebody that I always refer to in first person singular, except right now of course."
"Oh, it was you. My own robot.", Jesper said, surprising everybody (hopefully) with his grammatic skill.
"You...", Olivia begun. She then breathed heavy, before she continued:
A new heavy breathing was followed by another 'You'. Seven 'yous' later Olivia realized that she couldn't find the words. By that time she also started to realize that it probably wouldn't help Darren if she insulted 50 kg of extra terrestrial high-tech. The heavy breathing was obviously very good for Olivia's brain activity, because she also realized that the best way to help Darren probably was to give him a reason to stay alive. So she said:
"Darren, my dear friend. I've heard that Hell's Angels are having an international conference today. They expect that 1000 'juicy' biker will be there."
"They are??", Darren said, already showing signs of an improved health.
"Yes, and I wonder if you are interested to go and visit them?"
"Yeah! Can I bring my bait?"
"Oh, no!! No way!!", Jesper said, turning white as he realized what Darren's bait was.
"You don't need a bait, you stupid green reptile! There are so many of them that even if you closed your eyes and walked around at random with your mouth open, you will swallow dozens of them."
"Oh, my God! When do we leave?", Darren said looking almost fit again.
"Well, as soon as you are fit to travel.", Olivia said a bit chocked by Darren's rapid recovery.
"Jump up on my back, all of you, and hold on tight. Bikers, here we come!!", Darren said with a huge smile on his lips.

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Patrik &
Thu Feb 26 10:10:12 MET 1998