Darth had recently read an old Mongolian saying that, after an extremely unsuccessful translation by an unemployed Greek plumber, became: 'Where talking mouse is, flying horse not far away'. Darth were therefor convinced about the whereabouts of a flying horse.

Claming that he was a pet

Biblical reference to camels.

The trunk, what did you think?

The reason behind his exremely low current IQ was that his IQ had dropped so much in such a short time that when it reached the normal low value the dropping velocity was very high. Since the IQ drop couldn't make an instant stop, due to the high IQ inertia, the IQ had continued to drop, and had for a short time reached a negative value, before it oscillated back to normal again. (A negative IQ means that the thinking capacity is below the thinking capacity of a rock.)

An extremely observant reader, (and pettifogger), may protest about that statement, since Sally recently dated Jesper's father. (see page 2). But that was just one of his step fathers (the 21:st). Jesper's mother wasn't, and isn't, the kind of woman anyone voluntary spend a long time together with.....

Since Clementine and Clara just mooed to eachother thier following conversation are mainly interpreted and translated from thier expressive facial expressions, and might not be correctly translated. However, since Sal manage understand them, the creater of this story (and therfore also the camels) really should be able to do that too.

Everybody, except Tim of course, remember that the father of the twins was killed by his own son

Did I say 'everybody except Tim..' in my last footnote. It should obviously have been 'everybody except Tim and Sally (and Noosh (?))..'.

See page 5 if your memory is worse than Jesper's.

The seven dwarfs, and maybe Snow-white, in rather cheap china.

46 different jokes about farts had helped him to come to that conclusion.

Even if he had known that, he still wouldn't known the direction to the center of the earth.

Another word for 'persons employed by the government to look after law and order', often used by other persons that are not.

According to the inter galactic legend: Gena the Dragon, from the southern most parts of the Milky Way, laughs herself unconscious every time she walks in long grass. She is still regarded as the most ticklish dragon in the Milky Way.

Or whatever you should call the staggering, perplexed shambled motion, that moved poor Jesper forward.

Not exactly like a human being, rather like an Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Who later, by the way, had become a powerful member of the government

The capital of Fiji.

The antique toaster and remote control.

Before the crash called a flying saucer.

Or is it not a coincidence??!! Can an overflow in the brain be triggered by a question concerning Blurps??

A very old name that roughly can be translated 'The Devil's cave from which no man ever have returned, except for Egil who had to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital.'

If you calculated the ration between eyes and heads, and came up with something else than 2, don't panic. It is no wrong with your mathematical skill. The rather complicated 'number of eyes per head' is due to an unexplainable accident, where one bat lost his eye. The accident occurred after the bat had suck blood from a boozer called Per Mill, who had made a random walk into the cave one Saturday night.

An important reason why she remember this fairy-tail was that it contained a witch that strangely enough lived in a gingerbread house, similar to the one Olivia was brought up in. A witch was in this fairy-tail presented as something bad. Because of that she hated the fairy-tail, and thought that is should be forbidden to tell innocent children such lies.

Or death or what ever you should call it.

If you haven't noticed the mix-up between Fiji and Fuji made by Theresa, now is an excellent opportunity to do that.

With into here meaning that he smashed his head to the outside of the egg, not that he run into the inside to the egg

The currency all over Bleep. The exact value of the Bleepic pound is however hard to give since no official exchange rates to any earthlish currency is available at the moment.

Some details about the bridge game can be found in Appendix. However, this can only be of interest for a person interested in bridge. The other 99 should not even bother that Appendix exist, but know that during the bridge game it seemed like Jesper and Mother Fortune was best buddies.

The real reason why Jesper knew that he should not leave the freezer door open was because his mother had told him so 2793 times, since she more than anything hated to defrost the freezer. 2793 was also the number of times that Jesper's mother had seen him take out something from the freezer.

Also known as laughing gas.

Text with Italian font should be written in Bleepish, but since a majority of the readers have poor knowledge in Bleepish, only the English translation is given.

Little did the queen know that the human nose was almost identical to her own. The reason why Jesper smelled was because he had slept in his clothes last night and not washed, and that he spent some time in a dragons guts yesterday.

A handful people on Bleep is a little more than a handful people on earth since the normal number of fingers on a Bleepic hand is six.

You may argue that there is no way that Darren at this moment could have any control whatsoever over the four cardinal points. And, you are of course correct. There was no logical reason why he walked to the west, it was just a coincident. A coincident that would prove to be important for numerous of living beings. Very important.

The fact that they were allowed to vote on themselves, didn't help either.

With normal we here mean, Jesper without an intelligence boast. The word 'normal' does not indicate in any way whatsoever, that Jesper should be regarded as a normal (human) being.

Jesper had moved the stick....

Orkididork is not translated to English, since I have no idea what it means!

The only consequence of Darren's brave attempt was some local reports of acid rain.

In the word 'persons', a robot is included.

Another quality is of course that you have no idea where you are going to end up. But, since they had no idea where they should go that was not much of a problem.

Long is here refering to time, not distance.

You might have thought that monks just do things like gardening and that stuff when they are not praying, eating or sleeping, but think again. How many gardeners do a garden need, and how many monks are there? Obviously much more monks than needed gardeners. So, in order no to get totally bored many monks spend much of their time in places like an engineering shop.

If they hadn't had that our heroes should eventually have starved to death in the space-craft, and try to write about that in a funny manner...

If you have forgotten (and by some weird reason should be interested to know) why Killer Abdul had converted to Buddhism, see page 27.

Oh, no! I just realized what 'orkididork' might mean. Since 'id' means food, and an 'id' after another 'id' means poison, and the two 'orks' surrounding the 'ids' mean ability and analysis. It all combined might can loosely be translates as 'Ability to analyze poisonous food'. So, Roberta's constructers had apparently removed her ability to analyze food, to make her an expert pilot.

If the 'pill taker' wasn't the 'swallowing type of person' but a sucking type, it would take about one to two hours to reach the poison depending on sucking intensity. However, the chewing type would of course die faster...

Do you think it will work?

I just had to censor that. Believe me you wouldn't like to hear it, especially if you were planning to eat ever again.

The prime age in a sun's life.

And we wouldn't like this story to be strange..... Okey that's maybe not the best argument.

Like if there were any!

It's page 75 you are looking for.

Well, everybody with the exeption of a huge beast, with two females on his back, that had ran through a wall and flown away

Who after that day made more money on commercials for doughnuts than by working as a policeman.

He had still not forgotten the flight to LA.

That was the time when she told him that she never wanted to see him ever again.

He actually installed so many amplifiers that he claims that he can do it in his sleep...

And if you ask God, he would claim that the reason was Jesper's pigeon brain

Wagga Wagga

Preferably not a car a Jesper first tried.

To the careful reader that is looking for errors and now think I have been a clumsy clot by suddenly say it is spring, I just want to say this: Yes, it is spring today, even though is was autumn yesterday, since we now are on the south hemisphere and the autumn was on the other side of the earth.

This was not the first time Olivia had made persons think about fairy tail when they met her, but it was the first time anyone though of her as the princess character.

For Jesper, as well as most men, it helped to stand still while thinking, since doing more than one thing (in this case thinking + walking) simultainiusly is something that only women and horses are good at.

To all of you who had another picture of Jesper's home from when his mother visited him than a house that is lying in front of a pharmacy and now have to construct a new picture in your head I sincerely apologize. On the other hand, you who totally forgot that he ever had been home I can congratulate since you can read this book a second time without knowing what to expect.

Or air balloons.

He saved one, since he thought that nine might be to much.

Patrik &
Thu Feb 26 10:10:12 MET 1998