
     Patrik Norqvist's

      Home Page

My name is Patrik Norqvist and this is my private homepage. To direcly establish a high nerd-index I will show you my collection of Smurfs that I started when I was eight years old which was a very long time ago.  The picture below was taken in 2001, but after that I found a lot of other blue creatures as these pictures
show:   My whole collection  and splitted into smaller parts, so you can see each individual smuf;  part 1    part 2     part 3    part 4   part 5   part 6  part7  part8.

I work as a teacher at Umeå University. I got a PhD in Space physics, but I teach all sorts of physics.  A quite popular explanation of my latets reseach was presented at the EGS XXVII General Assembly in Nice 2002 as this poster. (overview of the poster)

If you for some extremely mysterious reason would like to know exactly what courses I give you can read about them on my official homepage. (see link on bottom).

To further emphise that I am not the hippest of guys one of my main interests is playing bridge. I sometimes play in bridge tournaments but with no big succes which my bridge ranking  clearly shows. But perhaps my lack of real succes is due to my team mates...... No probably not.
My absolute favorite music is often played by Bruce Springsteen. I really like most of his music especially the albums Born in the U.S.A. and The River.
One of my other intererests is writing novels. So far I have completed two of them. One is a really crazy story that took ten years to write. This is a humoristic adventure story called "One week in the life of a bold moron." This story was originally written togeher with my penpal from Australia Eva Kahans. We finished each letter with about ten sentences that continued the story. We never discussed what should happen. After eight years we have finished the first day in the life of the bold moron. The remainding six days I wrote myself and it took two years of hard work to finish it. The first part (day), written from 1986 to 1994, is perhaps a little tricky to follow since it is two crazy minds working in two different directions, but on the other hand you can never expect what is going to happen..... The style is a bit like "The hitchikers guide to the galaxies", but I am not claming that it is anywhere near the quality of that matsterpiece.
You can read my crazy story (written in English) by clicking here.
My second novel is written in swedish and is a detective novell inspired by reading book from Henning Mankell. My novel is called "kopplingen"  and is a lot easier to follow than the extremly compact written crazy novel, but again it is of course no where near as good as the fantastic books of Mankell with detective Kurt Wahlander.
You can click here if you like to read kopplingen  (written 1998-2000). The heros in my book are called Jan Norgren and Orvar Glas. The name Jan Norgren is probably
due to the fact that my name is Jan Patrik Norqvist, but why the hell I picked a name Orvar Glas as my other hero I have no idea.
Lately (starting december 2001) Eva Kahans and I started a new story. We plan to put it here as we move along.  We only write small parts and
email it over. We never discuss what is going to happend, so noone has a clue what our character might do....

A very strange coincident is that another guy calledPatrik Norqvist has a smurf theme on his home page....  Since Norqvist is a very rare last name,
only  158 people in Sweden are called Norqvist,  (if you don't belive me check yourself) I was surprised even that there was another Patrik Norqvist (we are not related) I was even more surprised when during my millitary service he walked up to me and introduced himself to me. When he saw my name on my uniform he was almost as surprised as I was.


If you would like to see other pictures of me, mainly from the good old days when I was smaller and cuter, you can click on the links below:

Picture 1  Picture 2Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7Picture 8 Picture 9 Picture 10

 and one with my baby sister Camilla, who actually isn't a baby anymore, but gave birth to one last year, little Lisa. (1, 2)

And three more with Camilla and Me 123 .

If you are intrested to read about Big Bang and who the earth is created (in swedish) klick here.

My more official homepage (in swedish) can be found here.