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Black death, crusifixsion and a wing nut

The reason why Jesper left the warehouse is not yet fully understood. It could have been that he just felt like going out for a walk, but more likely was that he had left the warehouse anxiously looking for a place to pee. Anyway, during the interrogations of Richard, Jesper had left the building. It hadn't then taken Jesper a very long time to run into his 'old friend' the fat policeman, who said:
"Hey there again. What has happened to your tail?"
Jesper was silent for minute, then he shined up:
"It disappeared when I ate an omelet in the helicopter, on the way to the desert. But that was a long time ago."
"Uh??? The policeman that followed you disappeared when you ate an omelet?" "No, I said that my tail disappeared then. You must pay attention to what I am saying! The policeman didn't disappear. He is tied to a chair and is chatting to Cal Apone."
"Cal Apone??"
"Yes, he and 75 of his closest friends are having fun with the pig... cop.. policeman in the warehouse over there.", Jesper said and pointed at the warehouse.
"Oh, my god! The whole LA mob..... And they got Richard."

The fat policeman called in every man available and staged a storming of the warehouse less than one hour later. Everybody in the warehouse was arrested in the most successful raid against the Mafia ever.gif Due to the successful intervention, numerous of TV interviews was broadcasted all over the world. The two heros, the imprudent Jesper, and the proud (but a bit fat) policeman,gif had to explain, over and over again, how they could arrest Cal Apone and his gang. One of the billion and four (1000000004) persons that heard about the mass arrest of the LA mob was Wilfy Baldman, Jesper's brother, and also the leader of the Fuji mob (the sister organization of the LA mob). Wilfy was not pleased about what he had heard, and decided that his should let his twin brother know that.

The airport in Fuji and Wilfy had an understanding; he could get a first class ticket to any flight for free with a few minutes notice, if he didn't hijack any of the planes. So, when Wilfy decided to go to LA, he just gave the airport a call, and fixed a first class ticket for free. The LA plane was just about to leave when Wilfy called, but the airport promised that the plane should wait for him.

When Wilfy finally arrived to the airport, he was allowed to bring all his luggage (including two of his closest men) as hand-baggage. The plane, finally two hours late, took off and the flight to LA begun. A flight that in the beginning seemed quite calm, but since it is a part of this story, and is not just described as 'and they flew to LA', one might suspect that something strange should soon happen. Thus, fifteen minutes after takeoff the first mate announced from cockpit:
"Ladies and gentlemen. This is your first mate speaking. If there is any experts on infectious lethal diseases, please come and visit us here in the cockpit."
A dishearted murmur started to spread among the passengers, but no one walked into the cockpit. Instead they sat in breathless tension (which had followed the dishearted murmuring), and waited for new messages from cockpit. Five minutes later the wait was over, as the same voice as before was heard again:
"Never mind the expert on infectious lethal diseases. I have more use of a priest for the moment. Is there a priest onboard? In that case; can he please pay me a visit?"
Then the sound lever of the murmur for most of the passengers increased in magnitude. However, one girl, who incidentally had fainted during a trip to Fiji three days ago and who was on her way around the earth, was quiet since she was no longer conscious. But even though she now made no sounds, the total sound level in the plane was still considerable higher. It was actually so loud inside the plane that it was hard to hear the next message that read:
"Sorry to bother you again, but is there any repair man, for instance an airplane repair man, that is willing to visit me?"
All the messages now started to really piss Wilfy off. His normal reaction towards someone that pissed him off was to eliminate them. However, in this case he had a feeling that elimination was not a constructive way of solving the problem. This made him very frustrated. However, he stood up and walked to the cockpit to find out what went on there. He pulled up the door. The first mate looked at him and said:
"Finally! Who are you? A priest or a repair man?"
"Neither! I'm the leader of the Fuji mob. What are going on here?", Wilfy said with a voice that would make everybody answer independent of if they had an answer or not.
"I'm doing a crossword puzzle where the first prize is a round-the-world trip. If I manage to solve three key-word clues I think I will easily solve the rest. I figured that I should use my passengers to help me a bit. The clues are:

"Black death, crusifixsion, and a wing nut", Wilfy said, slammed the door and walked back to his chair.
After the visit from Wilfy the first mate needed no more immediate help from his passengers to solve his crossword puzzle, so he didn't cause any new panics during the rest of the trip. A trip that ended seven hours after takeoff when the plane safely landed in Los Angels.

As the passengers walked out of the plane the air hostesses, as always, wished all the passengers a pleasant stay. However, just as Wilfy was about to climb out of the plane, the first mate suddenly looked out from the cockpit and asked him:
"Complicated clothes line. Ten letters, 'y' is number three."
"Drying rack!", Wilfy answered surly.

Coincidently, at the exact same moment as Wilfy said 'drying rack', Darren, who had followed a terrified bird for hours wherever he flow, landed on one, located close the the very same airport as Wilfy just had landed on. The drying rack was of course totally demolished, but the bird miraculously survived. Olivia and Roberta fell off Darren, who said:
"Not a bad landing if I dare say so myself. Now a piece of food would be just perf..."
Darren suddenly stopped talking and stared towards the airport. With his dragon sight he noticed a familiar face located on the shoulders of a man that just walked out of a plane.
"I'll get me some bikers using the traitor, who sent the police on us, as my bait!", Darren smiled.
"Oh, promise not to hurt my darling!", Olivia begged.
"You know me. I'm always careful.", Darren said as he started to fly towards the bald man he just noticed, and that he had unsuccessfully identified as Jesper. With an unexpected skillfulness Darren flew about 3 meter above the ground, and when he was just above Wilfy Darren grabbed the mob leader around his waist.
"I'm planning to do some biker hunt, by favorite bait. To make you a more attractive bait I've got you this T-shirt", Darren said to his prey and showed him a T-shirt saying: "Let me down your freak!", Wilfy screamed.
"As soon as we are close to the conference, and you have a rope around your waist, little man", Darren calmly explained.

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Patrik &
Thu Feb 26 10:10:12 MET 1998