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The new leader of the pack

It was still not noon when Jesper begun to wake up for the third time that day. The bearded man, called Aschmed, who had came up through the prison cell floor had carried the unconscious Jesper out of the cell and into the hotel room where Aschmeds brothers were waiting for them. Aschmed were just explaining to his brothers what had happened:
"I found him unconscious in the prison cell, and I also found the reason why he was unconscious", Aschmed pointed to the bump on Jesper's head (the bump that Jesper got from the rock in the forest). He continued:
"The pigsgif have assaulted our hero until he became unconscious. For this they all must die the horrifying question death."
Jesper opened his eyes, but fainted again when he saw who was in the room with him and heard the words 'horrifying question death'."
However, a bucket of ice-water finally woke him up. Aschmed looked at Jesper and said:
"As you can see we kept our part of the deal. I hope you'll keep you part Wilfor-Toto!"
Jesper almost, at first, became furious. Another squint-eyed man who looked at him but talked to Wilfy. But then a rebellion neuron in Jesper's brain connected a few synapses to a part in Jesper brain that where in fallow. The section for logical thinking. Even though this section was rather untrained, a close to logical thought developed in Jesper's brain. 'Maybe the evil men think that I am the homicidal maniac Wilfy, their equal, and not the terrified moron Jesper, their victim.' At least he thought he could play along and see what happened, so he said:
"Yes, Wilfor-Toto, that's me. I am not Jesper, Wilfor-Toto, that's right, that's me!'
Aschmed looked a bit suspicious but said:
"Yes, we know that, but what is you answer? Will you keep your part of the deal or not?"
Again Jesper had the same dilemma as before. He didn't know what the deal was, so he again tried his sometimes successful answer and said:
"Yes, of course!"
"Excellent! Any suggestions what to do next? It has to be something bad. We get severe abstinence if we don't do at least one crime a day that correspond to at least 5 years in prison, even according to crime liberal jury."
Jesper felt that if he didn't come up with a good suggestion, these men would satisfy their needs by assaulting him. But if he told them to do something bad, he would be responsible for their action. He needed to come up with an extremely smart suggestion. God, he would give his right tomb for a three digit IQ. Oh, that's right he didn't have a tomb on his right hand. He was so nervous that he could hear how his own heart pounded. Knock knock, knock knock, knock knock. KNOCK??!! Oh, It wasn't his heart. It was someone at the door. Omar, the youngest of the brothers, opened the door. Outside the door was a strange looking woman. To the surprise of everybody she wasn't scared to death by the evil looking men in the room. Instead she walked into the room and went around to all the brothers shook their hands and looked them in their eyes. The brothers all stared at the very strange looking woman, who didn't seem to know the meaning of the word fear. After she met all the men she said:
"I am Olivia the witch. Who are you?"
All the men answered simultaneously with monotonic voices:
"We are little yellow rubber duckies!"
"And where do little yellow rubber duckies want to be?"
The men looked confused by Olivia's question, so she answered in their place:
"In the bath-tub!"
All the men walked with a composed waddling gait to the bathroom. Olivia smiled a smile of felicity and walked to Jesper. She caressed his cheek tenderly and said:
"Finally we are alone, sweetheart!"
Jesper, who never had seen anybody being hypnotized before, was stunned. The evil men that for a few minutes ago were planning a severe crime, were now believing that they were rubber duckies and planning how all could penetrate into the bath-tub. His thoughts were interrupted by Oliva who said:
"Let's get out of here. I know a place where it is very cozy, my little pussy-cat!"
She hugged him firmly but tenderly, and tousled the bald Jesper's ears. Jesper almost panicked:
"Who was this over-friendly and strange looking woman? Was she expecting a big service in return for rescuing him? How come she seemed to know him? How come she found him?"
He needed an answer badly, at least to some of the questions, since his head were now over full with questions, after a rather hectic day. So, he said:
"How did you find me, Olivia?"
"Oh, darling have you forgotten that I am psychic, my stupid little Teddy-bear. I can find you everywhere!"
That was the answer to one of the questions, but somehow it didn't make him feel any better. As Jesper saw the situation, he now had two choices:

Due to the 'maybe' in the second alternative Jesper decided to follow Oliva to the cozy place. Before they left Jesper just had to check one thing, so he turned his head and looked carefully. He nodded to himself: "Yes, it was possible for nine really big men to squeeze down in a bath-tub, if they thought they were rubber duckies."
Olivia took his hand in hers, and then they walked away from the hotel room. When they came down to the pavement outside the hotel, they saw a very angry mustached man, coming towards them. Jesper immediately recognized the man. It was Darren's owner. He looked furious as he talked to Olivia:
"Finally I found you witch! Why do you think I pay you wages! It is not for going away and chase men during working hours, you estrone inflated woman. There are people waiting for you to hypnotize them into all sorts of things, and to tell them about their future. I can, by the way, tell you something about your future; if you don't follow me back to the circus right now you'll be looking for a new job in your near future!"
Olivia, who had shown no fear to the killers, now looked like a three year old girl caught stealing cookies from the cocky-pot. She begun her defense speech:
"Just look at him! He is so cute that you just must...."
The angry look on Darren's owners face made her continue:
"But never mind that! Let's go to the work!"
Darren's owner, who had his very used car parked just a block away, gave Jesper and Olivia a lift to the new location of the circus place. From the exhaust pipe behind the car came an enormous cloud of smoke. This had always been the case ever since Darren's stingy owner realized that his car didn't need 100% gas to work. He had found that the car also could drive on 50% gas and 50% waste oil. The advantage with the waste oil was that you can get it for free from the gas-station. The fact that the car, due to the waste oil, then moved rather spasmodically, and that the smoke from the car had caused not less that seven (false) fire-alarms to different fire departments during the last year, didn't seem to bother Darren's owner the slightest. As long as it was cheap. However, thanks to the laziness, and the bad memory for telephone numbers, of the peoples living along the route to the circus, the smoke didn't cause any fire-alarms this time. So, Darren's owner, Jesper and Olivia could safely arrive to the parking area just outside the circus.

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Patrik &
Thu Feb 26 10:10:12 MET 1998