This page contains instructions for running the central program used in the article Modeling the dynamics of youth subcultures by Petter Holme and Andreas Grönlund. These programs are developed under a Linux© environment (but should be easy to adapt to other environments). Short description of the program:
fads - This is the main program that generates subcultures on an ER network and stores the characteristics of each subculture in a file. The inputs are-N Number of vertices.
-M Number of edges.
-T Threshold.
The output of the program are files in the directory 'data/N/data_N_M_T.dat' containing rows with data for each generated subculture. Each and every row consist of lifetime, time to maximum size, max size, degree and excentricity of the origin of the subculture. A gzipped tar-file with the source code and makefile, can be obtained here (21kbytes). To get started type as follows:tar -xzvf fads.tgz (expands into a new directory 'fads/')
cd fads
make (you may have to edit the makefile first)
Also, Mersenne Twister is used as random number generator and
The Boost Graph Library for the graph structure.
February, 2005