Department of Physics

Monte Carlo simulations of Critical Phenomena in Physics
Umeå university
General information The course consists of five parts. The lecture notes also include the instructions to the computer labs.
  1. Introduction, statistical background, the Lennard-Jones gas (chapters 1-3).
    Random number generator: source file, header file, and documentation.

  2. Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D Ising model (chapter 4.1--4.8).
    Computer lab I: Two Monte Carlo methods for the Ising model.
    Note related to lab I.
    Some source files for Lab I.

  3. Scaling analyses in critical phenomena (chapter 4.10--4.11).
    Computer lab II: Scaling analyses in critical phenomena.
    Source file for Lab II.

  4. Some simple stochastic models.
    Computer Lab 3: Some simple stochastic models.
    For this lab you will be assigned one task to complete:

To pass the course you need to complete the three labs and pass the exam. If you pass the exam, bonus points from the labs are used to determine the grade.
For an example exam (2010-06-01) look here, but skip problems 7 and 8. Solutions to question 4 and 7 and 8.
A second exam

Department of Physics
Umeå University
Last changed: 2024-04-05
Responsible for this page: Peter Olsson